
VContainer + UniRx

UniRx is an Rx (Reactive Extension) library optimized for Unity.

Here is an example of combining VContainer entry points with UniRx.

public class FooController : IStartable, IDisposable
readonly CompositeDisposable disposable = new CompositeDisposable;

void IStartable.Start()
.Subscribe(_ => /* Do something */)

void IDisposable.Dispose() => disposable.Dispose();

If you want to create a short hand like AddTo(this), you can create an extension method like this:

public class ControllerBase : IDisposable
readonly CompositeDisposable disposable = new CompositeDisposable;

void IDisposable.Dispose() => disposable.Dispose();

public void AddDisposable(IDisposable item)

public static class DisposableExtensions
public static T AddTo<T>(this T disposable, ControllerBase controller)
where T: IDisposable
return disposable;

This can be used as follows:

public class FooController : ControllerBase, IStartable
void IStartable.Start()